All ya need to git started and stay current

NEW!! Welcome letter and complete introduction and guide to SASS Cowboy Action Shooting.

Complete Application and Liability forms and return or drop off at the registration table at Markham Park.

Order your official GSGS Club Badge. Lead-time is approximately 4 to 6 weeks.

Important. New (and old) members please be sure that you have read the Gold Coast Gunslingers Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

A description of Officers' Duties and Respoonsibilities according to the by-laws.

A must-read for new and old shooters alike. Updated January 2023, so if you've not read through this in a while, have a look!

New to Cowboy Action Shooting and want to learn the basic sweeps? Attached you'll find a list (put together by Crooked River Bob) of patterns that you may encounter.

More sweep patterns, assembled by the Double B Cowboys.

Range Operations Course, ROI. Worth taking, even if you are new to Cowboy Action Shooting.

Range Operations Course, ROII. Level II course worth taking as well!

Match Directors Guide - Match Administration

Match Directors Guide - Match Design
And for those who might be interested...

Giving thought to doing some Wild Bunch shooting?
Start right here.

Wild Bunch Action Shooting Orientation Guide

Wild Bunch RO - Range Operations Manual

Wild Bunch Martch Director's Handbook

SASS Mounted Shooters' Handbook

SASS Mounted Shooting MROI Basic Safety Course

SASS Mounted Shooting MROII Range Officers' Course
Monthly Directors meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Courtyard Marriott
2000 N. Commerce Parkway
Ft. Lauderdale, (Weston) FL 33326
(954) 343-2225
Ft. Lauderdale, (Weston) FL 33326
(954) 343-2225
All members are invited. Some of us get there at 6-ish for some nibbles. Come join us and see what your club is up to!
Click logo below for map and directions.